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The study of technic is an integral part of any complete education in the performance of a musical instrument.  Piano students who consistently practice scales, arpeggios, chords, and finger exercises will gain greater finger strength and flexibility as well as increased fluency and accuracy in performance.  Familiarity with these technical elements also enhances a secure understanding of basic music theory.--Now, Scale Skills from the Neil A. Kjos Piano Library provides an organized system for the study of scales, arpeggios, chords, and finger exercises.  Eleven appropriately graded levels ensure steady progress as pianists advance in their study of technic.  Each level reviews and incorporates the exercises and activities from previous levels, helping students develop a solid technical foundation.--Level 2.

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Questions regarding the Pittsburgh Youth Concert Orchestra (including the PYCO Symphony Orchestra, Concert Winds, Concert Strings, Chamber Strings Orchestra, Junior Strings Orchestra, Junior Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, and Chamber Music Academy) should be directed to the PYCO Orchestra administration.